Originally Registered Name
The name under which the original registration was made
First Name
Last Name
New Name
look at the previous field and don't mess this up
First Name
Last Name
New Team
New Nationality
New Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
New Mobile
New Date of Birth
New Email
New Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
New Emergency Contact Phone
Terms & Conditions
Please read all information about this event carefully before completing the registration. Fully read our official terms and conditions regarding this and all of our events.
Yes, I have carefully read all information about this event. Yes, I understand which services are included in my registration fee AND which are not. Yes, I read and accept our cancellation and refund policy regarding this event. (Check our terms & conditions!) Yes, I am aware of the route details and my own cycling skills.
english version
By entering the event site and participating in the RAD RACE TOUR DE FRIENDS 8 (“RAD RACE TDF 8”), all participants and visitors accept the following terms and disclaimers:
Event Location and Safety Rules
The RAD RACE TDF 8 event takes place in public areas, including roads accessible to regular traffic. All participants are required to strictly adhere to applicable road traffic regulations (StVO or equivalent local laws), which include obeying traffic signs, signals, and right-of-way rules, as well as taking necessary precautions to ensure their own safety and the safety of others. Failure to follow these rules significantly increases the risk of severe injury or death. Participation is therefore at one’s own risk.
Limitation of Liability
The organizer (RAD RACE GmbH) is not liable for ordinary negligence, whether for its own actions or those of its representatives or agents. Exceptions apply to injuries to life, body, or health; in such cases, statutory regulations apply.
Health Status and Personal Responsibility
By registering, I confirm that I have adequately trained for this event, am physically fit, and that my health status has been medically verified. If I notice a deterioration in my physical condition during the event, I will inform the organizer immediately so that appropriate measures can be taken.
Compliance with Event Rules
I agree to follow the rules and regulations set by the organizer (rules are available on the organizer’s website and will be displayed at the event site). Alteration of the official participant number, especially making any advertising print illegible, will result in disqualification. It is also prohibited to bring animals onto the event premises.
Environmental Protection
RAD RACE GmbH is actively committed to environmental protection across all business areas and expects the same commitment from participants and all stakeholders. Strict compliance with all environmental regulations, especially concerning waste disposal, soil and water conservation, and pollution control, is required. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify participants found in violation of these obligations.
Image and Media Rights
By registering, I agree that photos, film footage, and interviews taken in connection with my participation in RAD RACE TDF 8 may be used, distributed, and published for radio, television, internet, advertisements, books, photomechanical reproductions, films, DVDs, etc., without any compensation claims on my part. My name may also be published in the event results list on www.rad-race.com.
Age Restrictions and Data Accuracy
I certify that my date of birth and all other information provided by me is accurate. Participation is only permitted if the participant is of legal age (18 years) at the time of registration. If under 18, a participant must provide a signed release from a parent or legal guardian, provided the participant is at least 16 years old. If a participant provides a false date of birth, RAD RACE GmbH reserves the right to disqualify them.
Last Update: November 6, 2024
I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the disclaimer.
Prefer not to say
Grazie, got it! Your transfer request is in.
We’ll check everything and let you know if we need anything else. Once it’s all sorted, your new name will show up on the starter list!
See you in Italy!